Hoberg skole, Stange

Hoberg skole er bygget ut og den nye delen skal få tre kunstprosjekter, jeg er så glad for være invitert til å lage ett av dem. Fram med fargeblyantene og skisseblokka!

LYSDRAG montert

På plass: LYSDRAG 1 og 2 sikksakker som vannrenner fra glasshimling og nedover de høye treveggene i atriet i Atrå skole/samfunnshus vassdragskommunen Tinn. Laget hos Haugen Treindustri i Tessungdalen. Det er ikke vann, men farget dagslys som ledes nedover trerennene. Fargeskimrende, reflekterende akrylglass og 10 ulike mønsterskjærte furubord er montert i vinkel på veggene. Fargeglassene reflekterer dagslysets bevegelse. To lysrenner; høyde 6m, bredde 2,5 - totalt 30 meter.
Gratulerer med bygget, Tinn kommune, Link Arkitektur, A-Å og Skorve Entreprenører - og ikke minst elever og folk i Austbygde og Atrå!

LYSDRAG til Tinn

LYSDRAG sikksakker seg nedover massivtreet i Atrå ungdomsskoles atrium, bibliotek og samfunnssal, i vassdragskommunen Tinn. Det er jo ikke vann, men farget dagslys som ledes nedover i de to rennene. Skimrende (dichroisk)akrylglass og mønsterskjærte furubord monteres som ei vassrenne, og fargeglassene reflekterer fargeskygger som følger dagslysets bevegelse.
LYSDRAG feirer vannets - og lysbølgenes - utrettelige vilje, kraft og smidighet.
H6m, B2,5m. Montering desember 2020.
Produksjonen foregår hos Haugen Treindustri i Tessungdalen.

Til Nasjonalmuseets og Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseets samlinger

Bordlampen Norwegian Forest Light fra 2006 er kjøpt inn til Nordenfjeldske Kunstindustrimuseum, samt Nasjonalmuseets permanente samlinger. Lampen endte opp i 17 land (celeb-kuriositet: i stua hos skuespiller Colin Firth), og har lyst opp mange hjem, hytter, departementer og ambassader. Det er så flott at lampen får komme på museum!
Lampene ble først skåret av modelltog/-flymaker Arild Tangerud og montert av Cathrine Kullberg, så laget på verksted i Småland og inkludert i belysningsprodusentene Northern Lightings produktportefølje fram til 2016.

Rundt territorium

Göteborgs Stads Lokalförvaltning har bedt om skisseforslag til utsmykking på vegg i Elevhälsan på nye Lärjeskolan i bydelen Hjällbo. Rune Territorium viser et forstadslandskap i utskåret trefinér, vegghengt, med baklys og herdet glass foran. 170cm bredt, gl¨dende fantasilandskap med små fortellinger om sted, tilhørighet, kultur og natur - et mangfold av figurer, vekster, infrastruktur og bygninger i samspill. Montering er planlagt vinter 2021.

KRUSETE LINJE på plass i skoleskogen

Så fant de to portalene plass i den lille skogen ved Torparskolen. I entrétorg og matsal henger veggmonterte installasjoner i samme krusete linjer. Takk for monteringshjelpen, Hans fra JSB, og takk for oppdraget, Vöfab AB/ Växjö kommune! Anna-Karin Arvidsson har vært kunstkonsulent. Mai 2020

TERRENG 1-7 montert

TERRENG består av 7 bakbelyste glasstrykk til felles mat/samlingssal
for barneskole og eldresenter i Karlshamn. Landskapenes blåner, åskammer og horisonter er belagt med fortellinger om sted, forflytning og bevegelse, muligheter og begrensninger i omgivelsene. Og er du fra Karlshamn, vil du kjenne deg igjen her og der... De 7 glassenes bredde varierer mellom 2 meter og 65cm. Glassene er varmeherdet og satt i aluminiumsramme med led-belysning. Montert i november 2019.
Oppdragsgiver: Karlshamnsbostäder, kunstkonsulent: Anita Larsson


Skisseforslaget i konkurransen for utsmykking til Korpardalens barneskole og Östralycke eldreboende i Karlshamn gikk veien! 7 bakbelyste glasstrykk på herdet glass, til felles matsal/ samlingssal monteres i desember 2019. Bredde 65 - 200 cm. Montering desember 2019.

Krusete linje

Til forsommeren blir det portaler i skolegård-skogen på Torparskolen i Växjö. Formen - fritt etter en frekk, frodig og rødlistet bladlav; Lobaria Pulmonaria, som vokser på stammer i den dype bøkeskogen i naturreservatet rett ved skolen. Laven er trefoldig; et intrikat samarbeid mellom alge, sopp og bakterie. Den store granittsteinen fant vi i skoleskogen, den har ligget der veldig lenge og ventet. Inne: vegginstallasjoner i foajé. lakkert og laserskåret stål.

Avtrykk av ildsted / Vid brasan

Oppildnet over nytt kunstoppdrag - glasspeisen vist i modellen bygges i våren 2020. ldstedet har samlet oss i varme, sosialt fellesskap og varmeteknisk i infrastruktur i huset. Askersund kommune (Sverige) bygger 100 eldreboliger, og i foajeen skal det mures med håndstøpte, fargede glasstegel, to skjermer - som gjennomskinnelige fargeavtrykk av peiser og pipeløp som kanskje en gang sto i en beboers hus. I omsorgsboligene er det ikke peis, så beboerne får et annet glødende samlingspunkt. Glassteglen fanger og farger dagslyset, på kvelden gløder den.

Norske kunsthåndverker Oslo og Akershus sitt styre

Det er en glede å være med å arbeide for kunstfeltet sammen med styret i NKOA - på årsmøtet 25. februar ble 2019-styret klappet inn, mitt andre år der er i gang.


GULA HOPPET! er på plass på NeNoCourt, bydelen Nedre Norslunds aktivitetspark i Falun. Beboere og oppdragsgiver ønsket kunst som ga "gemenskap, glädje och rörelse'', og det måtte de jo få! Den laserskjærte gule skiven i lakkert stål er en glad sammenvevning av figurer og symboler på all slags aktivitet som barn, unge og voksne kan oppleve der. HOPP betyr forresten både 'håp' og 'hopp' på svensk. Høyde 4,5m - bredde 2,4m

Gula Hoppet

Gula Hoppet ble vinnerforslag etter parallelloppdraget og er i produksjon (september/oktober 2018). Skulpturen skal plasseres på NeNoCourt, Falun-bydelen Nedre Norslunds nye aktivitetspark, som har motto; ''ge gemenskap, glädje och rörelse''. Den gule skiven er en glad sammenvevning av figurer og symboler på all slags aktivitet som barn, unge og voksne kan oppleve der.

Spinn på plass!

Spinn er laget til allrommet i nye Framtia barnehage i Lørenskog, og består av hovedobjekt med mindre replikk i trappehallen. Allrommet er 80m2 stort og 7m under taket. Skulpturen inntar luftrommet. Den 2,5 meter brede skiven er vannskåret, pulverlakkert 12mm aluminium, med 'fjes' av foliert akryl. Formen tar utgangspunkt i de enkle strektegningene barn tryller fram når de skal tegne mennesker. Figuren er abstrahert og repetert, med variasjoner, og danner et sirkulært mønster. Barn i gruppe er dynamiske, lekne, og i bevegelse - Spinn viser enkeltindivider i samhandling. De runde skivene er vinklet ulikt, 'fjesene' har en dikroisk virkning - de skimrer, speiler og skifter farge ettersom lyset forandres og tilskuerens posisjon endres i rommet. Fjesene kaster også farge-skygger på vegger og gulv under solas skiftende gjennomskinn.
Oppdragsgiver: Lørenskog kommune. Foto: Guri Dahl og CK.

Spinn, produksjonsstart

Allrommet i nye Framtia barnehage i Lørenskog skal få Spinn i taket. Jeg har vært på befaring med samarbeidspartner Bolt Metall. Den lille modellen skal bli 2,5 meter bred lakka aluminium når den blir stor.

Åpning Kvervel

13. oktober var det flott åpning av alle kunstprosjektene på Valdres lokalmedisinske senter på Fagernes, Kvervel ett av dem - tre vegghengte skulpturer i vestibyle og trapperom. Skulpturene er frest ut i minarelmaterial (Corian). Den organiske formen er utledet fra regional folkekunst og tradisjonssømmens acantusranker, men også mønster i kroppens mikroskopiske indre - den viser bevegelse og vekst. Farger og materialvariasjon reflekterer Valdres’ natur og landskap, fra høy himmel til steingrunn, samtidig som noen kan få assosiasjoner til kropp, helse og behandling. Hovedformen har tilvekster - eller forbindinger - stripefelt som peker til brudd og fare, men også behandling og omsorg.

New commission: Valdres Lokalmedisinske senter

Three artists are invited by the six Valdres municipalities to make art for their new medical center. Kullberg will make two of these commissions, for vestibule and stairway, to be installed summer 2016. The two other artists are Randi Liliequist and Britt Smelvær.

Venniveggen installed

The four different VENNIVEGGEN wall sculptures (Friend-in-the-wall) at the new Bjønnhaug centre for disabled children in Brumunddal, are ready to welcome children and visitors!

In the making: 'Venni' wall sculptures for a new center for children with disabilities, Ringsaker

The Venni sculptures are soon completed, here some work-in-progress snapshots - colourful corian, turned birch wood, polished steel hemispheres.

New commission: Art for new center for children with disabilities, Ringsaker

Ringsaker kommune is building a new centre for disabled children, and they wish to include art in the building. This winning proposal includes a facade installation welcoming the children and visitors to the centre, as well as several wall mounted elements in the interior. The cheerful objects are called Venniveggen (Friend-on-the-wall) and are made of corian, polished coloured steel mirrors and wood, and they contain various added elements for tactile and cognitive experiences and reflections of self, body and space. (may 2015)

Horizon Roll installed and ready to roll

Horizon Roll are two sets of evolvable wheels, one crescent in galvanized steel, the other in coloured, tempered glass with ceramic print. The sculptures are commissioned by Oslo Kommune after an open call competition, and located at Sørenga, an artifial peninsula in the Oslo harbour, now redeveloped as residential and recreational area.

More about Horizon Roll here. (April 2015)

Horizon Roll rolling

The installation of the four evolving horizon wheels at Sørenga in Oslo is soon completed. The team from Autogen Mekaniske is fitting the parts.

Winning proposal: public art for Sørenga sentralpark

Horizon Rolls are two sets of evolvable wheels, one crescent in galvanized steel, the other in coloured, tempered glass with ceramic print. The project will be built in 2014/15, and it is the winning proposal of a open call competition launched by the Oslo municipality, for the Sørenga Central park, a new residential and recreational area at the waterfront of Oslo. More about the Horizon Rolls here.

Shortlisted: public art for Sørenga sentralpark

Pleased to be one of the three artists shortlisted in the design competition for public art in the new Sørenga Sentralpark, commisioned by Oslo municipality. This will be an exciting and challenging task - great to get a chance to take part in the unfolding of this new area of Oslo. Sketching away...

Goverment art's grant

I am very happy to have received a 3 years Artists Grant from the Norwegian Government - I am honoured and happy, both for the grant in itself , and for the professional 'pat on the back'.

Shortlisted: public art for Lisleby sportshall

After being shortlisted for designing proposals for public art to the Lisleby Sportshall in Fredrikstad, my awarded (however, not winning) proposal 'Spirit' came about. Congratulations to Blaker&Henningsen for the the winning proposal! See my proposal here .

Stockholm: 1,2, Tree

Stockholm Furniture Fair February 4. to 8. will host a guest exhibition curated by Staffan Bengtsson, wooden objects discussing our relation to the wood material. I am pleased to be among the (mostly Swedish ) 15 designers in '1, 2, Tree', and my contribution will be the wood diorama Land Inbetween. The exhibition was initially made for Artipelag Art Museum close to Stockholm last summer. Now a selection of the objects are on show, and the Norwegian designers Siren Wilhelmsen and CK are included.

Installation completed

The mounting of the 200 ceramic printed panels for the glass facades of the new Brøttum elementary school was completed in November 2013. The work is called 'Vidsyn' (Broad Vision), and shows two large fantasy landscapes. Kullberg's design was the winning proposal in the public art competition. The school opens for the pupils in autumn 2014, but parts of the building is in use already.

Ceramic printing

The ceramic printing of the 200 unique panels for the glass facades for the new Brøttum elementary school in Ringsaker has started. The two large fantasy landscapes called VIDSYN / Broad Vision, will be mounted in September. Kullberg's design was the winning proposal in the public art competition launched in 2012. (posted August 2013)

Nordic House Færøyene / Faroe Islands

LAND INBETWEEN, artwork commissioned by Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Danmark, for last summer's exhibition New Nordic. Since then Land Inbetween has been exhibited at the Kennedy Centre in Washington, and will continue to the Nordic House at the Faroe Islands / Færøyene, September 6. to November.

Competition won! Public artwork for school in Brøttum

Brøttum school/public library/sports hall in Ringsaker kommune will get two large glass facades decorated by Kullberg's colour prints, 150m2 in total. the kids and visitors will experience culture and nature play-fighting. (posted April 2013)

Nordic Cool festival / Kennedy Centre, Washington DC

From February 19 to March 19, the festival Nordic Cool will be rolling at the Kennedy Center in Washington. The extensive festival programme offers concerts, theatre and concerts, all with the spotlight on Nordic contemporary art and culture. Architecture , design and visual art is also included in Nordic Cool - and Cathrine Kullberg's wooden diorama 'Land Inbetween' is exhibited along side with other Nordic look-boxes and pavilions made by Nordic architects.

Stockholm Furniture Fair February 5-9

As the Norwegian Forest Lights have become part of the friendly lighting family of the lighting brand Northern LIghting, they invite us all to their Nordic Wood Bar at the Stockholm Furniture Fair:

Maison Objet 2013: Norwegian Crafts

Snapshot from the Norwegian Craft's stand at Maison Objet, January, Paris: 'Collection 2013', a collective show organized by Norwegian Crafts. Products by 5 Norwegian designer/makers: Sara Skotte, Margit Seland, Låvely, Kari Ulleberg, Kjersti Johannessen and Cathrine Kullberg.

Northern Lighting includes Norwegian Forest

From January 1st 2013, the Norwegian Forest series will be included in the impressive portfolio of the Oslo based lighting design and production company Northern Lighting. While Northern Lighting takes good care of her veneer lamps, Cathrine will find time to create new wooden products, lighting installations, artwork and lamp designs. The Norwegian Forest Lights will be made with love, of the same lovely veneer, at the workshop in Småland, Sweden. Good luck to Northern Lighting!

School's out

Cathrine Kullberg has been commissioned to design a proposal for large scale glass artworks on the facade of the new school building near Lillehammer - Brøttum school. Three artists are pitching for the commission (thanks for the honour). The school building will be ready for the kids in 2014.

Pur Norsk shop in new space

The acclaimed Oslo design shop has expanded and you'll find the distinguished selection of classic and new Norwegian design products in their spacious and fresh shop in Industrigata 36. Congratulations to Pur Norsk's Marianne and Lasse!

Special edition for the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art

This year's Mini Wooden Lantern buCathrine Kullberg is an offspring of the wooden look box 'Land In Between', commissioned by the Danish art centre, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, for the exhibition New Nordic (June- October 2012) . The lanterns are available in Louisiana's beautiful Museum Shop - and will be launced in general later this autumn.

Land In Between at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art outside Copenhagen

'Land In Between' is an artwork commissioned by Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Danmark. The miniature theatre in wood is part of the ongoing exhibition NEW NORDIC (June-October 2012).
The box is made of birch plywood and veneer, laser cut, the five landscape layers are sewn into the wooden box with leather lace. Internal LED-lights. Images below: lights on in the dark, in daylight.

Clip from the exhibition New Nordic (1,38 minutes) :


Happy to be represented in the new Roof Gallery in Amsterdam. The owners Romy and Ilva say that Roof gallery 'will reflect a basic and aesthetic lifestyle for kids and grown ups. An open space, without age restrictions to look around for a unique piece of art or design or participate in a workshop or to find out what customized design can do for you. Step by and see the great works of Roof Collection, Guido Pera, Elisabeth Vidal, Ontwerpduo, Alex Hellum, Marion Vidal, Niki Mens and many others!'

The Elders

Screenshot, TV2 May 9. - The Elders - an independent group of global leaders working for peace and human rights - met in Oslo in May to discuss Rio+20 and how to move towards a sustainable future - Desmond Tutu, Gro Harlem Bruntland, Martti Ahtisaari and other good, grown ups - hosted by the Norwegian Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg. Listen to their Oslo discussion here. (nice lamps ;)

Made to Treasure - Elle Decoration UK

Thanks to ELLE DECORATION UK for their article 'Made to Treasure' - featuring four designers making things by hand - see all four interviews here.

The work of Nic Webb and Cathrine Kullberg is also featured in the book 'The New Artisans' (author Olivier Dupon/ Thames&Hudson). New Artisan's Facebook page.

The Idea of the distinctively NORDIC at the Louisiana Museum

Louisiana Museum of Contemporary Art, Copenhagen opens a comprehensive exhibition in June, theme Nordic architecture and identity. Louisiana always puts on super shows, and we look forward to be even a small part of this exhibition. Cathrine Kullberg is invited to make her interpretation of Nordic identity in a box.

From the website intro:
'The exhibition in 2012 is about a concept or phenomenon that is arousing renewed global interest – the idea of the distinctively Nordic. Nordic stock is high at present, from politics and welfare to cuisine and design, and the year’s exhibition offers a take on what the Nordic actually is – and what such ideas mean for our societal and cultural development.'

Please welcome

Ane Domaas has started her work placement in our studio, she is a master student in Product Design at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences. Have a look at her work: www.anekristine.com. Her lamp design was selected by Wallpaper for their January issue Graduate Directory, featuring promising work from students.

Stockholm Furniture Fair 2012 February 7-11

Greetings from Stockholm Furniture Fair! Busy stand, people from all over visited, thanks for stopping by.

Book launch: The New Artisans

Cathrine Kullberg is featured in this Thames&Hudson book launched in October: 'The book captures the new mood – a return to a preference for the unique and the handmade. Design expert and acclaimed blogger Olivier Dupon has sourced the cream of the contemporary design world from all over Europe, Australia and the United States, profiling 75 artisans who use craft techniques, rather than mass-production methods, to create stylish, whimsical, covetable objects. Hundreds of colour photographs feature a huge variety of crafts, including art, ceramics, furniture, glasswork, jewelry, lighting, metalwork, papercraft, textiles and woodwork. New Artisans on Facebook.

Bratislava Designweekend, Slovakia,28. September 2011

Cathrine is thrilled by having been invited to participate in the Bratislava Designweekend, taking part in the festival and showing products along with Daniel Rybakken, and Andreas Engesvik. Interesting festival programme and city.

HABITARE furniture Fair, HELSINKI FINLAND,14-18. September 2011

There will be good stuff on show at the Habitare Furniture Fair...

Interzum Material's Fair, Cologne, May 2011

Interzum Fair shows innovations in materials for the architecture and interior design industry. Norwegian Forest Lighst are selected to be part of the European Veneer Forum's exhibition at the fair.

Interior Lifestyle TOKYO June 2011

Our Japanese partner Scandinavian Connection launched the Norwegian Forest Lights to Tokyo, Japan at the INTERIOR LIFESTYLE Fair 2011 in June. This was the first time the lights were on show at a Japanese trade show, and we cheer for Scandinavian Connection, they presented a selection of high-end Scandinavian brands along with our lamps - for example We:Do:Wood's furniture and Susan Liebe's delicate porcelain objects.

Spanish perspective

The Spanish architecture/design magazine DISEÑO INTERIOR features an interesting article on contemporary Norwegian architecture and design in their current issue. Have a look at scans of the article here (Spanish), also presenting an interview with the Norwegian designer duo Anderssen&Voll
- or read the interview with Cathrine (web-version in English) here


We have hooked up with DAGNY Design, an agency based in Stockholm, as our Swedish Sales Representative. Dagny offers great fresh stuff to the Swedish market: the Italian lighting brand Karman and the Danish furniture brand AddInterior. Dagny works closely with the contract market as well as relevant interior shops.

We exhibited at the Stockholm Furniture Fair in Stockholm in February. It was a great fair, met a lot of good people and arranged for Swedish market presence through Dagny Design AB

STOCKHOLM 2: NORWAY NOW! February 7-13

During the busy Design Week in Stockholm, you could get inspired by 'Norway Now', a show of contemporary Norwegian design at the Sign Hotel, next to the Central Station. The show was curated by Stefan Nilsson/ Designgalleriet. More info: www.norwaynow.se

Norway Now! at the Sign Hotel

Finally - to JAPAN * 日本

There have been a row of Japanese customers enquiering for these Japanese inspired products. And the products have bneen longing to go!

The Japanese/Danish company Scandinavian Connection is now offering Cathrine Kullberg's products to the Japanese market. Scancon has selected a handful of newer, but well known Scandinavian brands to represent in Japan, like We:Do:Wood, Susan Liebe and Anne Black from Denmark.

The Japanese customers can now be lead softly to for example to MORMOR's SCANDINAVIA - モアモア・スカンジナビア .

Mormor's Scandinavia sells wonderful vintage Scandinavian products, along with new products.

Swedish TV4

The Swedish design commentator Stefan Nilsson shows woody products - Mini Wooden Lanterns included.


The new 2010 Mini Wooden Lantern edition are coming to the stores. Called 'THIS YEAR'S XMAS GIFT!' by the Swedish design commentator Stefan Nilsson, these delicate miniature veneer shades can make the darker seasons glow. They come flat packed - a perfect gift to send in the mail - or keep yourself... (posted Oct2010)

OPEN: webshop

To customers outside Norway, you can now buy your Cathrine Kullberg products on our brand new webshop, please enter. You can also look up our STORE LOCATOR, several of our retailers offer online options. (posted Oct19 2010)


Go see the exhibition at Form/DesignCenter - Folkliv, showing products with elements inspired by handicraft tradition and folklore. The Forest Lights are part of this exhibition. June 24 to September 5.

Exhibition: HAVE A SEAT!

28 May - August 28 September: The National Museum of Applied Arts&Design in Oslo, Norway, shows a comprehensive exhibition of Norwegian furniture from the last 50 years - over 100 chairs! The Norwegian Forest Lights lights up some of these wonderful pieces of furniture, from Norway Says, Peter Opsvik, Stokke&Austad and other established, as well as up-and-coming designers.

White !

Let us present the new white Norwegian Forest Light - white ash veneer with white stain finish. The white and crisp wood welcomes the spring season. The white range was launced at Maison&Objet PARIS in January, and at Stockholm Furniture Fair and Formland, Denmark in February.

New Shops

Now you can get the veneer lamps in these shops:

MONTREAL, Quebec in Canada:
AIX en Provence, France:

New shots

The Oslo based photographer Chris Harrison has just shot the new, white Norwegian Forest range - lovely images. Look at his great photographs of people, places, spaces and things: www.chrisharrison.no

Next shows

4-7 February 2010: FORMLAND gift/interior fair
Denmark. (Our Danish distributors By Nord's stand i the curator selected area for New Scandinavian design, NEW NOTE.

9 - 13 February 2010: STOCKHOLM FURNITURE FAIR at the spectacular 100%Norway stand.

January 22-26 Maison & Objet PARIS
We are pleased to inform that our products are available in France through AG sarl, a sales representative specializing in Scandinavian design highlights, with showroom in Paris. At the Maison&Objet fair, please visit their stand D62 E61 in Hall 3 to see the Norwegian Forest Lights.

January 14-February 13. 2010: HELSINKI: GALLERIA NORSU Society for New Crafts


A lot of Swiss people have asked for the Cathrine Kullberg Lighting products, and now they can turn to the wonderful / wunderschön pearl of a design/interior shop in Lausanne - WUNDERSCHÖN

Christmas bliss at ILLUM'S Bolighus, Copenhagen

Scandinavia's largest and renowned department store of interior design and home accessories, ILLUMS BOLIGHUS , has chosen the Norwegian Forest Lights as the main feature in their always awaited and elaborate Christmas displays, themed: SCANDINAVIAN CHRISTMAS IN THE FOREST. Go Christmas-shopping in Copenhagen!

Photo: Martin Sølyst/ ErikBjørn & kompagni a/s

Style Awards

Norwegian Forest Lights are nominated for the Style Awards 2009 House&Garden Australia.


Check the magnificant online mag MadeInNorwayNow - continuously presenting new Norwegian design, craft and architecture for their large crowd of followers, abroad and up North.

100%Design LONDON

Our products were on show at the 100%NORWAY stand (Official Norwegian collective exhibition, curated by Henrietta Thompson, Arch/Design Editor in WALLPAPER magazine). September 24-27, London. 20 selected Norwegian designers and manufacturers showed their products, in one of the fair's most spectacular stand designs (by Stokke&Austad), a 6 meter high wooden structure, referring to the traditional wooden rack for drying cod in Northern Norway.

UK press:
WALLPAPER Magazine celebrates Norwegian design and architecture over a 24 page section in their current issue. Our products included.
FINANCIAL TIMES: Northern Exposure. August 28.here
DAILY TELEGRAPH: Northern Lights, Sept. 19 here

From Daily Telegraph, article Northern Lights. Photo:Philip Sinden


The Scandinavian editors of the magazine Bo Bedre has selected 5 Norwegian designers under the heading 'NORDIC TOP SUMMIT'. See the article here.

Exhibition: HAVE A SEAT!

September 12th: The Museum of Applied Arts&Design in Bergen, Norway, opens a comprehensive exhibition of Norwegian furniture from the last 50 years.The Norwegian Forest Lights lights up some of these wonderful pieces of furniture, from Norway Says, Peter Opsvik, Stokke&Austad and other established as well as upcoming designers.


Norwegian Design Days at the interior/furniture department store House Of Oslo, September 3-10. Exhibition of Norwegian furniture and home accessories, our products as well. See the massive Norwegian Forest lamp installation in the large atrium space until November 11th.


Cathrine Kullberg Lighting presents a new product, a miniature wood veneer lamp, with a glowing cut out pattern, showing pine branches and a cute squirrel. The miniature lamp shades are 10 cm high, flat packed in a beautifully printed envelope, assembled by the customer with thin leather string, ready to make any Christmas tree glow. Great gift to send friends. Limited edition.
To product page

BO BEDRE's magazine: Design Price 2009

The Norwegian Forest Lights are among the 15 nominated Norwegian products for the Norwegian interior/design magazine BO BEDRE Readers' Design Prices 2009.

Exhibition: NATURE IN A KIT in MUDAC, Switzerland

The MUDAC museum of Design and Applied Arts in Lausanne is showing Nature In A Kit, June 24. to September 24. The exhibition brings together objects from international creators, all referring to nature in various ways in their designs. One of the products is the Norwegian Forest Light.

Distribution in Denmark

The Copenhagen based company BY NORD is now the distributor of the Norwegian Forest Lights in Denmark, and Cathrine Kullberg Lighting feels very welcome to Denmark. As well as working with distribution, BY NORD is designing and manufacturing their own beautiful collection of home accessories, like the bed linen below:

ILLUMs Bolighus Oslo

The renowned design department store ILLUMS Bolighus Oslo is now carrying the Norwegian Forest Lights - believe it or not, Illum's very first products from a Norwegian manufacturer.

10MeterForest Installation

Visit Emil&Samuel, the grand restaurant/bar/salon on top of Oslo's high end department store, Steen&Strøm. Cathrine Kullberg has designed a 100m2 ceiling/wall installation of wood veneer, light and laser-cut patterns - a glowing forest with owls, foxes, squirrels and birds playing - the 10-Meter-Forest. The 10 meter wide back lit veneer frieze and the many glowing veneer cut outs are the eye-catchers of the space.

NEW NOTE at FORMLAND Denmark January 31 to february 2. 2009

Cathrine Kullberg Lighting was invited to be part of NEW NOTE, the curated area for new Scandinavian design at the large interior/gift-fair FORMLAND in Denmark last month. The Forest Lights were shown for the first time in Denmark, and the stand got lots of happy visitors from the industry and press.
Below: Stand wall print, 6x2.5 meter, Photo:Vidar Maxmilian Husby. PhotoRemix by Björn at Commandogroup.no


The Swedish publishing house Avrinius has launched their beautiful book on new Norwegian design/architecture. Generously, the author Staffan Bengtsson picked the Norwegian Forest Lights / Cathrine Kullberg Lighting to fill one of the 15 chapters.


The Forest Lights was part of this design exhibition of new Norwegian design, Design fra Nord. Part of the interior/gift fair at Lilleström / Oslo, Norway. The exhibition was curated by Catherina Lande and designed by the two superdesigners of StokkeAustad.

CASA NORWAY - Turin Italy October 2008

Turin is the World Design Capital 2008. The Norwegian pavilion CASA NORWAY shows new Norwegian design during the festival, and the The Norwegian Forest Lights were exhibited in November.

DESIGNER'S BLOCK September 2008

Cathrine Kullberg Lighting exhibited at DESIGNER'S BLOCK 2008 exhibition during London Design Festival September 18-21., the 100%NORWAY stand